
Music Together (Infants - Age 5, with Caregiver)

Presented in partnership with Pakachoag Music School, children will bounce, sing, dance, jump, drum, tap, click, wiggle and gallop their way to the development of pitch, rhythm and musical awareness! Music Together® is a music and movement curriculum based on research that shows children learn best from active caregivers and a non-performance based musical environment. Families receive a “Fall Session Song Collection: Bongos” songbook and CDs with the music learned in class so you can continue nurturing your child’s imaginative growth at home. Set the foundation for future musical study, or simply a great love of music.
Schedule: One 45 min. class/week
Instructor: Linnea Lyerly
Time: Mondays 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Dates:  March 26 – June 4 (Spring 2018 Songbook - Bells)
Tuition: $200 
Discounts: Families are eligible for reduced tuition when enrolling multiple children. After first child is enrolled, tuition is $125 for sibling, $50 for third child.

Instructions for Registration
***Please use separate transactions for each individual student. When signing up one student for multiple classes, the same transaction can be used.***
1. Enter username and password or create account in Log in box located on left. (Previous customers who have not logged in since August 2013, use temporary password: hanover). You will be prompted to change it immediately.
2. Select desired class then select a seat in that class.
3. Click add to order located in bottom right corner.
4. Complete the registration questions for the student you are enrolling under “additional information.”
5. Continue to checkout.