Chloe Arnold's Syncopated Ladies

About the show:

Founded by Emmy-nominated choreographer Chloé Arnold, Syncopated Ladies is the most viewed female tap dance band in history. Known for their viral self-produced content, they were recognized by Beyoncé, who not only shared their work, saying “They killed it,” but also transformed the homepage of Beyoncé.com to feature Syncopated Ladies and invited them to perform live internationally.

Beyoncé’s support catapulted them onto a global platform. Since then, Syncopated Ladies’ trajectory has skyrocketed, amassing more than 100 million views online and sold-out tour dates across the United States, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates. They have also received praise from Whoopi Goldberg on "The View," Janet Jackson, Ciara, Lupita Nyong'o, and many other celebrities and news outlets.